
We are led by different men of the congregation. We believe in the power of prayer!


The entire church joins together in praising God with their voices. It is a beautiful sound to the Lord. We believe in singing!

Taking the lord's Supper

Every Sunday morning, Christians remember Jesus Christ's death by eating unleavened bread and drinking the fruit of the vine. We believe in taking the Lord's Supper. 


Members of our church give weekly to the work of the church and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ! We believe in giving!!


We will enjoy a Bible lesson that lasts about 25 minutes. Either Layne Heitz or Logan Cates will present the lesson. We believe in sound preaching!

Invitation Offered

This is simply a convenient time to invite those who are touched in their hearts to be baptized for forgiveness of sins or to ask for prayers for strength. We believe in second chances!

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